Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is not tolerated within Study Association IK and will be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. You can also confide in the Confidential Contact Person(s), which are completely confidential and independent from the Board. The 21st Board is also available to assist you with your troubles. 

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is a form of gender-based discrimination which entails sexual verbal or physical behaviour that is unwelcome and can be direct or indirect. Examples of sexual harassment may include:

  • Non-consensual touching of someone with or without them having stated their discontent.
  • Engaging or threatening action after the refusal of sexual advance.
  • Making vulgar and/or sexual comments about an individual’s appearance, body and/or style. 
  • Conditioning opportunities on sexual favours, displaying pornographic images, cartoons, graffiti, or any other kind of graphic arts on electronic devices and programs ie. computers, mobile phones, emails, etc. 
  • Distributing pornographic or nude images of someone without their explicit consent. 
  • Making sexist remarks or depreciative gender-based comments. 

Who can be a victim of sexual harassment?

A victim of sexual harassment can be of any sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation and does not necessarily have to be of the opposite sex. 


Furthermore, the victim does not need to be the person being harassed but can also be a person who is affected by the offensive conduct. 

who can be a sexual harasser?

A sexual harasser can be of any sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, and does not need to be the opposite sex. 

What can a sexual harassment victim do?

The victim should, if possible and able to; directly inform the harasser that their conduct is unwelcome, inappropriate and that the harasser must stop immediately. If unable to, the victim can always confide in our Confidential Contact Person(s), which are completely confidential to all including the 21st Board of IK. Adding on the victim can also turn to the 21st Board of IK in regards to the matter. All information shared with these parties will remain discrete and will under no circumstance be shared with others.

Drugs Policy

Study Association IK has a strict no-drug-policy, and does not tolerate the usage of illegal substances at events hosted by the Association, and violation of this will be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. We hope members consider their actions prior, in order to keep the association; and above all, themselves safe. 


If members are seen to be engaging in the act of taking illegal substances at any IK event, the following measures will be taken:

  • The member will be immediately removed from the event and will be asked to leave.
  • The member will be revoked of their membership, effective immediately. 
  • Substances that are prohibited include: Narcotics, Cocaine, Diamorphine, MDMA/”ecstasy”, etc. 
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