Who we are

IK stands for Instituutsvereniging Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (Institute Society of Arts, Culture and Media). The Study Association emerged from the former SKABÉ. By the time, SKABÉ was the Study Association for the program Arts and Arts Policies in Groningen. The program changed into Arts, Culture and Media in September 2003. The students needed a new association that represented the recently founded program. It was, then, in the same year that IK began to act. Mariia, Marjolein, Kris, Tjarda, Femmy, Youri and Martijn together became the first board and, consequently, our founders.

At IK, we organize study and non-study related events. Our aim is to create an ACM community where students can meet each other. We want our members to feel like they belong.

As students, we want to facilitate contact between University and members. That is why we organize informative activities to guide our members through their studies, such as the Major Decision Event or the Thesis Pitch. Not only we want to help our members during the studies, but also after. With this in mind, we also organize events like the Network Event, Career Day and the Arts Conference. In the Association, students will also be able to participate in art-related events.

Each of the major art disciplines are represented in our committees. This not only means that committee members can gain experience in organizing activities in the artistic field, but also that all the students can enjoy the final result. We can’t forget that we are also young and are in a lively city, which means that at IK, we look forward to seeing you at our monthly borrels, at our excursion or at our parties.

Member privileges

Meet amazing people with shared interests yet different backgrounds! Our events are planned so that every student feels welcome and included, no matter where they come from.

By becoming a member of IK you can apply for one of our committees: it’s the perfect opportunity to gain team work experience and get more hands-on with your studies by making your own project for others to enjoy.

It also looks great on your CV!

Members enjoy special discounts for select advertised events, and benefit of lower prices for most of our committee or association-wide events that require signups!

IK members get access to past year summaries made by other students to help with their own revisions and their understanding of the programme. You also get in contact with members from different years and can benefit from the many tips they have to share!

get in touch

Have any questions? We are always open to answer any questions you may have, new ideas, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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